a little organization, part 2

Remember WAYYYYYYY back when I asked for some organization tips?  Well I decided that I really wanted Oxo’s Pop Containers like these:

They are air-tight, light weight, non-breakable and dish-washer safe.  Since I needed something to store baking products like flour and sugar in the cabinet above the stove, this was key (especially the non-breakable part).

But the problem is – Have you checked out the price tag on these things?!?! Youch.  At Target, a 5-piece set will cost ya about $50.  And I knew that 5 was just not  enough.

Thankfully my birthday was a few days ago, and my mom, dad and I were walking through Sam’s Club and found a set of TWELVE – yes 12! – for only $75!  Yes, I squealed and asked if they could be my birthday present.

The moment I got home and unpacked, I got to work.  And Viola!!

This is two shelves – baking supplies and pantry staples. Since this, I have gotten three more containers for pastas and quinoa (thank you Williams Sonoma Outlet).  As you can see on the bottom shelf the tall containers don’t fit completely upright on my pantry shelf, so I stacked them on their side.  It works perfectly.

I still haven’t touched my spice cabinet, but at least I can check one thing off my list.

What organization project do you want to tackle in 2013?